Sunday 15 January 2012

How is your Family Home Evening?

Some weeks we have a really super FHE while other weeks we are lucky if we survive 5 minutes. This really frustrates me because I know I am responsible for teaching the gospel and it's principles to my children yet when I have an inactive teenager and a very eager 7 year old it is more often hit and miss. So last year I began using the plan of a very talented lady whom I’ve followed in the crafting world for years, Emilie Ahern. Really, she knows! She gets it!

Emilie has her own blog for the lessons she and her husband, Matt have planned out for the year. If my memory serves me correctly this is her 3rd year now. The previous two years are still loaded, everything needed is there to download including activities, lesson preparation, the lot.

I have a fair few good Lds blogs to list here but if you are looking for something in particular please just let me know and I’ll hurry up and link it!


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