Saturday, 21 January 2012

What sends you psychotic?

I have a passion about wrongful judgement and gossip. Defining both is a very thin line so I tend to try to stick to a very simple principle:

If it’s not complimentary, don’t say it.

That’s not saying I don’t fall into a trap sometimes and say more of what I’m thinking than I should, but when I do I go to that person and tell them what I’ve said, how I said it and what I meant…even though they were not privvy to the conversation, I need them to know and to ask their forgiveness.

Idealistic? Yes it is, but its essential if I am going to be the best me. Holding myself accountable is something I learnt at a very early age; I had no choice.

But when I see/hear or feel judgement of the wrong sort then I almost become a different person. I feel so angry that someone could be so callous, uncaring and high on their pedestal they have no thought for another persons feelings.

Then I try to remember, it’s probably the best of their knowledge. So I pray for them.

This is a subject I find will heighten my verbal octaves, my blood pressure and my use of words that are to the point but hopefully not hurtful.

Psychotic? Why?


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