Thursday, 2 August 2012

The first week of summer

I am always excited at this time of the year, turning off the alarm clock is just bliss...but when you find on your first morning that you wake up at the same time its somewhere between annoying and amusing! But on we go...

This first week we have spent a few days preparing for a couple of days down south with my friend Julie and her family. It was fun and the area is gorgeous. The weather was tops and yep, we burnt on the beach. Joy!


However, what hit me was how independent my kids are becoming. For as long as I can remember I have planned for the kids to have something to do through this long school holiday but this year when I got them to sit and list a few things they’d like to achieve they added the usual:

  • beach
  • bowling
  • walking in the woods
  • baking
  • fishing
  • visiting family
  • beach
  • gardening
  • go carting
  • water park
  • beach

Yep, they added the beach about 12 times in that list by the time they’d finished! So far we’ve done the beach I could well be on target! lol

However, 3 of the days so far we’ve been away, 3 days Charley has been to summer club and 1 day was spent  in the garden as a family playing card games, word games and water fighting. We’ve had family visiting and spent heaps of time returning the fun. We’ve even had my nephew Kian doing ‘fencing’ with Charley!


For the first time since I can remember my kids aren’t pulling on me for attention or whinging the ‘I’m bored’ card {yet} but getting on and having their own fun...without me! I’m not sure how I feel about this yet, especially at 16 and 8...surely I’m not that redundant  yet? All I know is the end of each day this is the how much the dude is zapped...


On the other hand, there is just over 5 weeks to go....


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